Voice of the Earth
A Conversation about Spirit, Matter and Time
Paintings - Photographs - Installation

Solo exhibition with installation of volcanic ash, earth, metal signs and hanging plant materials.
April 27th through November 17th, 2016 - Cerro Coso Art Gallery, Ridgecrest, CA
“What would the Earth say to us if we were listening?
Is there a way to learn to hear languages other than our own human words?
This artwork explores the language of energy. The language of gesture and symbolism.
I see these as the Vocabulary of the Earth.”
What would the Earth say to us if we were to focus with intent to hear her?
Is there a language that we have access to that transcends human words?
Gesture and Energy are part of the Vocabulary and Language of the Earth.

Soundtrack for Voice of the Earth, featuring the musical composition Suspension of Disbelief by Karen Nielsen Licher and Bruce Licher.

